EA Games has released a trailer and demo for Crysis 2 that will be released on March 22 for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
The Crysis 2 website reveals that the multiplayer game is set in 2023 as the world faces climatic disasters and is on the verge of a breakdown, and alien invaders stalk the streets of New York. The city faces a plague that is hitting epidemic scales, “The city’s systems are in chaos, its streets and skyline are smashed and in flaming ruin. This is New York City like you’ve never seen it before.”
Not even the US military can face these invaders, and those who do not flee are dead men walking. However, one man will inherit the means to survive and players are invited to sport the Supersoldier enhancements of Nanosuit 2 to fight against the enemy invaders. With the Nanosuit 2, players become the weapon with which they fight. They can also use the stealth mode to become invisible and trap enemies or snipe them from hidden positions.
Crysis 2 will be available on March 22, but fans can go on the game’s site to play the demo with two maps, ‘Pier17’ and ‘Skyline.’ So far the demo has been played so much, 1.7 million, according to GamePro, that the site crashed repeatedly, but is now up and running.
“The Crysis 2 PC demo has been overwhelmingly popular, this has both an upside and downside. The upside was that our Ranked Server Partners had to scale up for demand, nearly doubling capacity, and did so seamlessly. The downside was we have overwhelmed our backend servers and this has required us to make a few changes to help better balance the load,” explains EA in a post.
The game’s weapons trailer, released yesterday unveiled new weapons and accessories that weren’t in the demo reports The Examiner.
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