As libraries fight to remain a relevant part of the action in the digital age, many of them have decided to get on board with the digital book initiative, which would provide the card members with the option of checking out ebooks and downloading them to their computers or ebook readers, such as the Kindle, Nook, iPad, Kobo, and Literati. Not only are libraries embracing ereaders, they are helping members learn more about them so that they can make informed decisions when purchasing one of the savvy devices.
In most participating libraries, members can checkout an ebook simply by logging in to the library’s website and entering their library card number. In most cases, members may check out five ebooks at once for a period of fourteen days, at the end of the fourteen days the book expires. Libraries that are participating in the initiative are giving card members who received an ebook reader for Christmas a good reason not to toss their library card.
If your local library has been involved with the digital ebook initiative since it began in 2005, you are likely to find in excess of over 11,000 book titles to choose from. Libraries just getting into the program may have fewer titles starting out, but will likely be up to speed with selection in no time. After all, its not like they have to wait for a book shipment or anything.
The capability to borrow books from local libraries may be just the incentive some consumers needed to help them decide to move forward with an ebook reader purchase. Some avid readers were turned off by the idea of the financial commitment required to purchase books when they can check books out of the library at no cost whatsoever. Now that library books will be included in ebook reader options, it changes thing dramatically for some people.
Some of the most popular digital ereader options out there are the Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, and the Apple iPad as an ereader. More and more local libraries are adding ebooks that are compatible with the Kindle, a device that was left out of earlier ebook initiatives at local libraries. The Kindle offer a superb digital book reading experience at an exceptionally affordable price. To learn more about this phenomenal digital reading device, visit the Amazon Kindle Store.
source: The Columbus Dispatch
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