Elijah Woods will apparently play Frodo Baggins in the upcoming 2 part movie “The Hobbit”, directed by Peter Jackson, creator of The Lord of the Rings trilogy of blockbuster films. While Wood will reprise his Frodo character for the opening sequence of both parts of “The Hobbit”, fans are interested in seeing how Jackson pulls this off since The Hobbit is a prequel that takes place approximately 60 years before Frodo’s birth.
Sources say that Jackson considered this during the Lord of the Rings filming, hence is inclusion of the mention of Bilbo’s memoir throughout the movies. In the final movie, Bilbo’s collection of stories about his adventures, entitled “The Hobbit, or There and Back Again”, is handed over to Sam. The existence of his uncle’s stories sets the stage for Frodo to appear as an observer via Bilbo’s book. Its really a masterful way to incorporate Frodo into the story without compromising literary integrity.
Wood has commented that he’s looking forward to his cameo roles in “The Hobbit”, and trusts that Jackson and the production team will incorporate Frodo into the film tastefully. The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy were written by J.R. Tolkien, and have remained beloved classics since they were published. I read them as a child, and have since seen my own children cycle through the intriguing fantasy masterpieces. The stories have remained in our hearts for decades, and Peter Jackson brought it all to life with the blockbuster films. You can get the movies on blu-ray or DVD. From board games, apparel, and collectibles to toys, video games and books, you’ll find all things Tolkien at the Amazon Lord of the Rings Portal.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
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