All of the mainstream video gaming systems, including PS3, Xbox 360, and the Wii, have gotten on board with the fitness craze that has captured the attention of a very out of shape and over weight nation we like to call the USA. From the White House on down, everyone has recognized the dire straits that the American people are facing regarding health and fitness with a national epidemic of obesity and eating disorders running rampant. Weight issues do not discriminate, and millions of Americans of all ages, from children to the elderly are facing a dangerous obesity prognosis.
One of the ways to get the whole family up and moving, and having so much fun that they don’t even realize that they are exercising is with some exciting, interactive gaming action, such as the Nintendo Wii Fit program, or any of the sensational Wii Fitness games that combine motion gaming with fitness, and then spice it up with some fun, excitement, and thrilling video gaming action. The Nintendo Wii offers the most extensive selection of fitness video games and accessories, ensuring that there is something fun and healthy for everyone.
Both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 feature some remarkable fitness games, and with the release of the new PS3 Move and the Xbox 360 Kinect this holiday season, motion gaming fitness offers endless possibilities. To learn more about motion gaming and how interactive gaming can revolutionize the fitness level of your entire family, visit the Motion Gaming 101 Guide.
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