The trailer for first shooter game, Battlefield 3 was released at the San Francisco Game Developers Conference yesterday.
Publisher EA Games showed a 3 minute trailer of the game that will be released later this year for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, reports USA Today. The trailer itself is set in 2014 along the Iraq/Iran border. Coalition forces, led by the U.S marines are working on “pacification” and stabilizing the region. The trailer shows Sgt. Black and his team sneaking into abandoned buildings, traversing dark alleys, and getting shot by RPG fire, reports The Guardian.
The game will feature a new generation of lighting tools, audio and gameplay effects thanks to the new engine, Frostbite 2 of DICE, reports PCmag. Anything in the game can affect the outcome. Anything from a bullet to an earthquake can make a difference. “To us destruction is a part of the world, it’s as natural as footsteps or gun sounds. If it looks like it can break, it should break,” DICE executive Patrick Bach said.
PC World’s Matt Peckham argues that although the game is set in a “political hotbed” it’s not about politics, but more about the game and the graphics. The following quote is an indication of this, “You ever ask yourself how this part of the world gets so ****ed up all the time?” asks a soldier in the trailer, while crawling from the inside of an armored personnel carrier into the blazing daylight. “We just work here, Dave,” replies another.
With the second part of the trailer due out on March 16, Peckham wonders if the game will model “real U.S. problems, like the “austerity” issues that leave U.S. garrisons without running water, working toilets, and routine mail service,” or if it will address the opening of the border to Iranian tourists, or if it will touch on cross-border oil and alcohol smuggling.
Battlefield 3-Limited Edition is available for pre order at video game retailers.
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